Systems and Computational Biophysics

Systems biophysics refers to the study of how biological actions take place as the result of many interacting agents. Understanding these interactions requires both experimental and computational techniques. The MOB program has faculty who specialize in this area of biophysics, often combining experimental and computational approaches within a single lab or through collaborations. The MOB computational biophysicists are located on the 4th floor of the IMB building, and comprise SCUBA (Systems and Computational Understanding of Biological Actions).


"Richard Bertram"
Richard Bertram

Dr. Bertram uses mathematical and computational methods to investigate electrically excitable cells such as neurons and hormone-secreting cells.  Much of the lab's focus is on questions related to dynamics, specifically the generation and synchronization of oscillations. The lab uses techniques from dynamical systems theory, particularly the analysis of multi-timescale systems, and network science.


"Bryant Chase"
Bryant Chase

Prof. Chase's research interests are in the physiology and biophysics of striated (cardiac and skeletal) muscles. His primary focus is Ca2+-regulation of contraction by thin filaments that are comprised of proteins actin, tropomyosin and troponin, and alteration of Ca2+-regulation by genetic variants of these thin filament proteins that are associated with cardiomyopathies. Computation is an important complement to our experimental studies on muscle. Diffusion with reaction modeling in the context of biochemical reactions (fixed and diffusible) within the myofilament lattice provides quantitative insights into the roles of product inhibition in muscle fatigue. Monte Carlo simulations provide evidence that evolution has tuned myofilament compliance to optimize muscle force, paralleling macroscopic observations that human running performance can be enhanced by optimizing the compliances of running tracks and running shoes. Ca2+-dependent, isometric muscle kinetics (kTR) and force relationships can be fit to computational models by embedding systems of differential equations within a nonlinear least squares regression (Simplex) algorithm. Thin filament cooperativity can be evaluated at the level of individual filaments through statistical analysis of cryo-EM images.


Bhargav Karamched

Dr. Karamched's group uses modeling, mathematical analysis, and computer simulations to understand and solve problems in neuroscience and cell biology. We collaborate with experimentalists and clinicians within and outside of FSU. We use nonlinear dynamics, control systems theory, and theory of stochastic processes to build multiscale models of various biophysical actions. Topics of interest change with time. Currently, we focus on mechanisms underlying olfaction, control systems framework for understanding genetic regulatory networks, and the cellular basis for neurodegenerative disease. 

"Michael Roper"
Michael Roper

The Roper Lab at Florida State University focuses on the intersection of analytical chemistry, cellular biology, and engineering to develop advanced analytical tools for studying biological systems. Their research emphasizes understanding cellular communication and metabolism, particularly in relation to diabetes, obesity, and neurological disorders. The lab utilizes cutting-edge techniques like microfluidics, high resolution separations (chromatography and electrophoresis), and mass spectrometry to explore these complex biological processes at a molecular level.